campaign cards

Campaign Card Design Issues

It should be oblivious that bold colors are generally the best colors to use in the design and printing of campaign cards, as you want your card and info to stand out. Bright primary colors such as reds, greens and blues will work. Having a solid black background with reverse text is also a good way design technique. Try to stick with a consistent color scheme and do not use clashing colors or garish tones like hot pink, unless you feel that this might be useful for the them of your campaign card design theme. Of course, a generic white background with color graphics will always work. Be careful about the overuse of revered out text, as they can sometimes be hard to read and marketing studies have shown that readers ofter avoid too much of this type of text.

Fonts: Try not to use many fonts in the card layout. It's okay to use one font for headlines and another for the main text or bulleted points. Using too many fonts/typefaces can make the layout look discombobulated .

What about card stocks and thickness? You will at least want a 14 point card stock for any size over a standard 4 x 6 inch campaign card. This is especially true if the cards will be mailed and will go through the USPS system. If you have a 12 point size or less, then the cards might bend or tare easy when going through mail sorting machines. A glossy coating might be necessary as this will prevent ink from running and smearing. However, if the card needs to be written on, such as having to manually write in a street address, then that side will have to be uncoated with no glossy coating. More on the sizes of campaign cards.



Avoiding mistakes in card design



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